[MD] Emergent Consciousness
ian glendinning
psybertron at gmail.com
Wed Aug 2 16:01:18 PDT 2006
I think that's correct Craig, I find quite a lot I can agree with,
given the right interpretation.
The trouble with that particular statement is that it is little more
than Socrates "examined life" ... ie don't take values simply handed
down from anyone else, understand them, make them yours, and live by
them yourself. With her so far. (I've seen transcripts of statements
she's made exhorting people even more explicitly on that point ...
trouble is she tends to go on to recommend reality as objectivity,
accept no substitute.)
What I can't find yet is any credible basis on which she suggests
those values should be judged as good or bad, or evaluated against
competing values of other individuals. As I said before all her bad
ones (in Atlas Shrugged) look like straw-men to me, but I've not given
up looking yet.
On 8/2/06, craigerb at comcast.net <craigerb at comcast.net> wrote:
> When Rand says that one should not live for the sake of another, she means that one should live according to one's own values, not that one should not value anyone else.
> Craig
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