[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 4 09:01:29 PDT 2006


    gav said:  "Call it God, DQ, Tao,
> whatever...the point is that the term is always a
> marker for something beyond marking...and that which
> is beyond marking is infinite and there is only one
> infinite. therefore we are all referring to the same
> non-thing anyway. the important thing is that if we
> are trying to use language to get a better handle on
> the infinite we have to use it with the skill and
> sensibility of an artist....the more literal we are
> the further we are from the source. Evocation not
> definition; poetry not prose."

     To read beyond the lines is
          transcendance in action.
     To be direct and to the point
          this is transcending....



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