[MD] New Pirsig Interview with the Times
ian glendinning
psybertron at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 05:31:11 PDT 2006
FWIW Ant, Marsha, et al,
I pesonally don't believe his "last shot" remark referred only to his
outing from seclusion for the interview ... he meant the current wave
of interest, of which the re-release of Lila and the Granger book are
a part. I think there's more to come in this wave, which started with
Ant's conference IMHO.
I think Ant is right - we need more creative DQ - but we also need to
see an environment created that is ready for the message, and having
Pirsig / ZMM / Lila promoted can only help.
Evolution requires nurture as well as nature.
On 8/7/06, Ant McWatt <antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk> wrote:
> MarshaV stated August 6th:
> >Explaining his philosophy to the public? 180, 360? Might as well
> >have used hieroglyphics.
> Ant McWatt comments:
> That possibly wouldn't have been such a bad idea considering the
> intellectual interest that hieroglyphics stirred up for so long. :-)
> >If that "interview" was coming out of seclusion, than I'm
> >nineteen. Maybe Mr. Pirsig might write the perfect 'interview'.
> >
> >Come on... I've given away dozens of copies of ZMM. I sent copies
> >of both books to my senators. I've written C-SPAN's Brian Lamb three
> >times requesting an in-depth interview. I've talked about the MOQ to
> >anyone who mentioned any of the words: value, quality, morals,
> >religion, enlightenment, philosophy, dynamic, static, Zen,
> >motorcycle, art, etc., etc., etc.
> Marsha,that's not bad going. Did the senators or Brain Lamb respond out of
> interest?
> >I want more, more, more, more, more.
> >
> >If not now, when?????
> Ant McWatt comments:
> When the next Beatles album of new material comes out?
> I think there is an issue of celebrity dominating the Dynamic and
> intellectual here, Marsha. I always remember John Lennon saying to a DJ
> (Andy Feebles of the BBC) who asked him in a 1980 interview when the Beatles
> were getting back together again.
> Lennon replied on the lines of "why don't you work your butt off for ten
> years and produce your own "Beatles", Andy"? Not exactly a satisfactory
> reply for a fan such as myself but in a sense that is what Oasis did (to
> some degree of success) in the 1990s.
> Again, in the same sense there's nothing stopping anyone else with the
> normal mental faculties and the determination from writing their own "Zen &
> the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance". In fact, personally I'd rather to see a
> new book on the MOQ by the fine artist/philosopher Marsha V than Robert
> Pirsig. The latter would be a relatively static read for me while a new
> book by yourself would be Dynamic. And remember, if your book has high
> enough intellectual quality (and if you put the work in, there's no reason
> it shouldn't have), it will be published before you even approach anywhere
> like 122 publishers because Pirsig has already pioneered the "MOQ trail" for
> you!
> Jai Guru Deva Om,
> Anthony.
> P.S. I already note you're on the right creative start...
> "I want more, more, more, more!"
> Marsha V, August 2006.
> "She loves you, yeah, yeah, yeah!"
> Lennon-McCartney, August 1963.
> .
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