[MD] New Pirsig Interview with the Times
ian glendinning
psybertron at gmail.com
Mon Aug 7 06:56:10 PDT 2006
Pointless coincidence ...
Linking David H's reference to the Granger article, to Arlo / Ant's
musical thread ...
I notice this morning that the academic article website is "Project Muse"
Last evening I was in the mosh-pit at the Atlanta Tabernacle
experiencing "Muse".
(Another great gig BTW if anyone's interested, new stuff as well as
anthemic favourites. Wonderfully trance-like "Map of the
Problematique" so different to their core guitar oriented rock.)
On 8/6/06, MarshaV <marshalz at charter.net> wrote:
> At 10:31 AM 8/6/2006, it was written:
> >Marsha quoted from the article:
> >"Now, Pirsig believes that he has one last shot at explaining his
> >philosophy to the public, and if it means coming out of seclusion, so be it.
> Am I the only one who is disappointed?
> Last shot? Seventy-seven is still young.
> Explaining his philosophy to the public? 180, 360? Might as well
> have used hieroglyphics.
> If that "interview" was coming out of seclusion, than I'm
> nineteen. Maybe Mr. Pirsig might write the perfect 'interview'.
> Come on... I've given away dozens of copies of ZMM. I sent copies
> of both books to my senators. I've written C-SPAN's Brian Lamb three
> times requesting an in-depth interview. I've talk about the MOQ to
> anyone who mentioned any of the words: value, quality, morals,
> religion, enlightenment, philosophy, dynamic, static, Zen,
> motorcycle, art, etc., etc., etc.
> I want more, more, more, more, more.
> If not now, when?????
> Marsha
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