[MD] Emergence of Purpose

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 17:10:50 PDT 2006

Craig, I suspect the best answer to that is "Mu".

But I have to point out that it is a completely different situation to
the one I described. Many orders of magnitude less complex collective
situation, and many order of magnitude more complex / intelligent
individuals involved.

I have absolutely no problem replying that in the goose-flying-V
example - all the information is in each goose, and each goose has a
sufficiently sophisticated motor and sensory feedback system to keep
it's wing related to the vortex in the slipstream of a preceeding
goose, and ease it's fying effort, and each goose remains a goose in
the formation, etc. Very little "new" emerges.


On 8/8/06, craigerb at comcast.net <craigerb at comcast.net> wrote:
> [Ian]
> > Is that purposeful quest for nutrition, and the strategies for moving
> > and dispersing to find it, inherent in each individual, or is it
> > emergent from the complex arrangement and interaction of the
> > collection ?
> Is the tendency to fly in a "V-formation" inherent in each goose or emerge from collective flying?
> Craig
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