[MD] Some Abiding Beliefs-Part 2

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Wed Aug 9 04:59:01 PDT 2006

Quoting Case <case at ispots.com>:

> Platt,
> This is a noble effort on your part. You mention or imply purpose in
> several places: with regards to evolution and the behavior of living
> things.
> I get the feeling this is an important point for you. What does it mean?

Thanks for the compliment. It means I believe in the Pirsigian view that evolution
is teleological in the sense that it deliberately and purposefully moves away from
the physical laws of the inorganic level. "Mechanisms are the enemy of life. The
more static and unyielding the mechanisms are, the more life works to evade them
or overcome them." (Lila,11). I believe evolution drives toward "betterness" by
seeking greater consciousness and freedom. I summed up my belief this way: The law
of evolution: "That's better."

Thanks for asking.


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