[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

Ant McWatt antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Aug 9 08:37:17 PDT 2006

Ian G stated August 9th:

"MOQ is totally anti-theistic towards the [God] term - as a tool of 
suppression - of DQ, etc. People who pick up this [social level] relic and 
use it as that kind of blunt instrument need resisting and educating, not 
exterminating. Educating in the MOQ."

Ant McWatt comments:

I couldn't agree more Ian.  What do you think Bill Hicks was all about?

Best wishes,


"Christianity has a built-in defense system: anything that questions a 
belief, no matter how logical the argument is, is the work of Satan by the 
very fact that it makes you question a belief. It's a very interesting 
defense mechanism and the only way to get by it -- and believe me, I was 
raised Southern Baptist -- is to take massive amounts of magic mushrooms, 
sit in a field, and just go...  'Show me!' "

Bill Hicks, circa 1992.

BTW, don’t forget that “Bill Hicks: Slight Return” is showing at the 
Edinburgh Fringe later this month!

Listed below are all the performances of the show which will be staged at 
the Pleasance Courtyard, Edinburgh, Tel. 0131 556 6550, (matinee 
performances in brackets):

21 Aug 2006 17:00 (1:00)
22 Aug 2006 17:00 (1:00)
24 Aug 2006 17:00 (1:00)
25 Aug 2006 17:00 (1:00)
26 Aug 2006 17:00 (1:00)
27 Aug 2006 17:00 (1:00)
28 Aug 2006 17:00 (1:00)

'One-liners to treasure at every turn' Telegraph.
'Absolutely must-see show' **** Independent.
'Unsettlingly good' Guardian.
'Comedy blinder' **** Scotsman.
'Terrific, rollicking reincarnation' Metro.


Also see the reviews of the show at the following:



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