[MD] Some Abiding Beliefs-Part 2

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Thu Aug 10 07:02:19 PDT 2006

Quoting Case <Case at iSpots.com>:

> > > [Case]
> > > So what do you think this purpose is? What is the 'better'?
> > [Platt]
> > Like I said. Greater consciousness and freedom. 
> > [Case]
> > How can one's consciousness be greater than it is?
> [Platt]
> Mystics have attempted to describe it. But,you must see for yourself.
> [Case]
> How would you describe it? 
> I would describe it as: Aha! It is the moment of new understanding, when
> ideas connect, sparkling with new insight; the kind of experience that drove
> Archimedes joyfully naked into the streets.

An excellent description. For me it's the moment when the separate self sense
disappears in the presence of great beauty.

> > [Case]
> > What is freedom? 
> > Freedom from what? 
> > Freedom to do what?
> > More?
> [Platt]
> Absence of necessity, coercion or constraint in choice and action to pursue 
> greater consciousness or whatever you deem to be Quality.
> [Case]
> What would you regard as necessity, coercion or constraint? 
> The need to eat? 
> The force of gravity? 
> Our three score years and ten? 
> Duty?
All the above plus and especially totalitarian government.

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