[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

gav gav_gc at yahoo.com.au
Thu Aug 10 08:22:25 PDT 2006

first a little apology for taking liberties with the
niceties of the forum, especially to marsha.

please forgive my slightly yobbish ways. i aspire to
the old 'no taboos' adage but that only holds if the
joke is funny! hey even bad taste works in the right
hands (not mine obviously).

i brought out the crude oil with dave cos i know him
well enough to know he wouldn't take offence. of
course i should have remembered to respect the
sensibilities of other interested parties. (bloody
wimps! oops there i go again, strewth!)

okay. i was going to say something
semi-worthwhile....oh yeah, i don't dig the whole
gabbin with god thing. i think that the idea of a
personal relationship with god - ego to ego - is wank.
i am with you atheists and anti-theists on that one. 

i don't really know how silly christianity is in the
states - not having been there-   but well it does
seem like it is pretty silly from over here. so i can
appreciate dave's passion when it comes to rising
above such stuff.

but one thing that i feel is very closely tied to
quality, or the optimal situation for the increase
thereof (should be a lawyer eh?) is *community*, and
anything that builds community aint all bad. global
village and all that.

oh and while i remember i did do a bit of research on
the southern baptist footwashing ritual in
afro-american churches. now that's an example of an
orthodox christian church that engages in regular
trance inducing practices in order to get past any
egoic silliness. these guys realise the limits of the

 there is  another example of a christian church in
brazil that feeds its parishioners a hallucinogenic
cocktail prior to mass so that they are more attuned
to the subtler apsects of it.

look i think jesus was a dude okay.  i think most of
the world would agree. if we can help show the
concordance between an MOQ view and what jesus
actually said....i guess i believe that we can say to
christians out there: "yeah jesus was way cool but
wait till you actually understand him!!!"

godboy out

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