[MD] Dreaming and death

gav gav_gc at yahoo.com.au
Thu Aug 10 15:59:53 PDT 2006

hey dave and all,

--- what about the experience of dreaming, where does
that fit into the MOQ? my biological patterns and
inorganic patterns are in bed.....my social patterns
and intellectual patterns are presumably not very
active either....yet i have experience....*meaningful*
....or is dreaming primarily a social pattern, in that
it it is a symbolic language of sorts? 

dreaming is an *experience* though. it is an
experience imbued with *meaning*, perhaps even more so
than waking life. dreams are a message (from where?)
to the dreamer. where does dreaming happen, where is

likewise, when we die what happens? where are we
going? my body and me are not the same because i exist
without my body when i dream so death would seem to be
the end of my material existence as gav, but what

fear of death is right up there on the 'fear list';
used for hundreds of years to control the masses, now
as ever. What does the MOQ say about death and what
happens during and after?

 what happens when you dream and also when you die are
pretty key questions for me. i want my
religion/philosophy to give answers that sound
right....and 'dunno' is admirably honest but doesn't
quite do it.

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