[MD] Tim Walberg, Why I Don't Like the Religious Right, and Family Values

Case case at ispots.com
Fri Aug 11 10:58:24 PDT 2006

Case: So our purpose is greater consciousness and freedom.
Platt: It's the cosmic purpose. We go along for the ride, for awhile.
Case: Greater consciousness comes randomly but favors the beautiful.
Platt: For me, yes. For others I cannot say.
Case: Freedom is a lack of restraint in the pursuit of Quality.
Platt: Freedom is lack of necessity, coercion and constraint.
Case: Freedom is ultimately boring but thankfully unattainable.
Platt: Perfect freedom would be boring, but not something you or I need
worry about.

Case and Platt: That about sums it up.

This just seems a bit vague to be a purpose. How would you say this
differs from entropy or the final disipation of energy? Which is after
what the physicist say is the ultimate goal of the universe.

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