[MD] Some Abiding Beliefs-Part 2

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Fri Aug 11 12:36:35 PDT 2006

Quoting Case <case at ispots.com>:

> .[Platt]
> > I have no reason to doubt what physicists say about the inorganic level.
> > But the universe includes more than matter and energy. It includes mind
> > and spirit.
> > IMHO discussions of ultimate goals or purposes must include those realms
> > to be meaningful.
> [Case]
> In what sense could spirit or mind exist in the absense of matter and energy?

In a sense beyond our current knowledge.

> What goals would these realms have? If they have the same goal as
> evolution (greater consciousness and freedom) then I am back to asking how
> can consciousness be greater than itself and what constrains its freedom?

Evolution is the process of returning to a state of full consciousness and freedom.


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