[MD] New Model Army, Mystic(DQ) Experience, and Religion (SQ) as Power

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 13 19:02:50 PDT 2006

Hey Case,

> [SA]
> There are those that you can talk to and are nice to
> you at times, and those
> handful are refreshing to be around, but those
> beasts that just want out but
> don't know how (misguided by their own knowings)
> will lash out at you, they
> hold their ground with an ego that, at times, no
> matter how much you come
> down on them with discipline and order their ways,
> metaphorically speaking,
> are as mercury, slipping and sliding all over the
> place and some days no
> matter how much you watch and contain them they
> can't help but explode in
> ways that rules and the none giving of pain will be
> annihilated and
> destroyed and they will hurt, they will come after
> you unless you stand your
> ground and if need be, crush them with no pity and
> pin them, face down to
> the carpet.
> [Case]
> I don't know what sort of place you are working in
> but most institutions
> should provide staff with training on how to deal
> with aggressive clients.

     This institution does provide training, and part
of that training has to do with putting the clients
face down into the carpet, tile, and I've seen grass
as we pin them so nobody gets physically hurt, but
that latter is unavoidable at times.  I've seen bloody
noses, bruises, and swelled faces.  Just today, a
staff was punched in the throat and another staff's
thumb was pushed back too far and he went to the
hospital.  Strained ligaments and so a brace was
applied.  Both of these incidents were an outcome of a
client coming at staff with fists in the air.  We are
trained in restraining such clients- face down. 
Running and compassion at this point come in the form
of no pity, no fear, and the resident must fall,
authority will come down on them - for we will talk,
but talk has been thrown out as the resident comes a'
runnin' towards you.  Protect yourself and everybody
else, pin them down, and let the full throttle of your
courage come a' flyin' at these fools that want to

> Are there professional staff available or is this
> purely custodial care?

     I don't know what custodial care is.  The staff
are professional and so are certain aggressive,
sneaky, culprits called clients.  They are very
professional and very good indeed at what they do.

> [SA]
> How might I get there, Guide, that points out the
> geography of this place? 
> [Case]
> Google Norrath it isn't hard to find.

     I looked it up.  Stars Wars and Jedi Temples are


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