[MD] Dreaming and death

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Sun Aug 13 19:09:09 PDT 2006


Now that is interesting ... I continually talk of the
socio-intellectual level ... ie I have great difficulty making any
clear distinction between what look like two aspects of culture to me
- social and intellectual ...

I'm forming the view that the missing axis is individual vs collective
... but it's not a well formed view yet. Either way, I see a great
deal of cutural (social) conditioning of what we (individually or
collectively) see as "intellectual".

I appear to have changed the subject - sorry.

On 8/14/06, Squonkonguitar at aol.com <Squonkonguitar at aol.com> wrote:
> Squonk,
> I get that point now ... sq latching sufficent to be a latch  to build
> on, but not so "static" as to inhibit further evolution ... the  latter
> being an inferior kind of sq.
> Mark: Hello Ian. Yes, and this may require a modification of what sq  is.
> Ian: BTW the increasing pace of evolution is natural to conclude in  the
> "memetic" world, where ideas can circulate and mutate at the "speed  of
> light" across ever more interconnected channels of communication  -
> quite unlike biological "genetic" reproductive cycles. As you say  this
> is a really interesting area, whether you'd choose to use the  word
> meme or not. (This is related to the other Kurzweil thread.)
> Mark: Memes are someone elses description of sq social patterns.
> But we have to differentiate between sq social memes and sq intellectual
> memes. I don't think the memeticists have realised this yet?
> Ian: The  internet really is better than sex :-)
> Ian
> Mark: You must be doing it wrong Ian. ;-P
> Love,
> Mark
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