[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Mon Aug 14 14:03:46 PDT 2006

Quoting MarshaV <marshalz at charter.net>:

> I have two primary, underlying premises:  1. Everything is connected 
> to everything.  2.  Everything is in a constant state of change.   I 
> take this to be the influence of DQ.

I agree with your premises. To these I add: 1. Some things are better than others.
2. Some connections are better than others. 3. Some changes are better than others.
4. Some levels are better than others. 

I agree with Pirsig that the intellectual level is better than the social level,
that it is better "for an idea to kill a society than a society to kill an
idea." (Lila, 13) To me this means it is better to live in a society where
individual freedom is held to be better than social conformity. This distinction
between the levels makes sense to me.

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