[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

Gene M boredandunstable at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 10:25:04 PDT 2006

> Not sure if you are asking 1) whether I agree with everything Pirsig says,
> or
> 2) whether there is more than one meaning of "social freedom." A society
> that
> protects the rights of individuals to speak freely, worship a God of their
> own
> choosing or no God at all, and travel within the society without
> restrictions,
> is better than a society that prevents individuals from doing those
> things. Such
> a society might be termed as one that offers "social freedom." If that's
> the
> context, no oxymoron. But in the MOQ, the social level is characterized as
> the
> level of conformity where it's incumbent on an individual to toe the line
> laid down by the social code. In that context, "social freedom" is an
> oxymoron.
> Platt

I the multiplicity of the phrase was what was being pointed out. On the
social level, freedoms Do exist. DQ still affects that level and there can
be degrees of freedom socially. In fact I think there is a lot to look at


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