[MD] Individual v Collective

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 11:45:02 PDT 2006

Marsha, there may be something in that ... I've always charaterised
the whole thing as "psychological" - MoQ as a framework for
evolutionary psychology.

I think it's not so much a matter of not relating to an individual
point of view, hard to imagine an "individual" that doesn't, more a
matter of accepting the fact that it's not so wholly divided from the
collective view, as our psyche might imagine.

In fact just reminding us that it is a "view" is enormously helpful
itself I'd say.


On 8/15/06, MarshaV <marshalz at charter.net> wrote:
> Greetings,
> Not to complicate things, but I've often wondered if this confusion
> over the 'individual v collective' might be further complicated by
> the introversion/extroversion preference.   The United States is an
> extroverted country.   This bundle of sq that is I, is strongly
> introverted.   They are totally different ways of experiencing
> things.  It might explain why I cannot relate so well to the
> 'collective' point-of-view.  Or it might explain why so many of you
> do not relate more strongly to the 'individual' point-of-view.
> Marsha
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