[MD] sq social - sq intellectual
Stephen Hannon
stevehannon at gmail.com
Tue Aug 15 20:23:13 PDT 2006
Hello Platt, Craig:
In my interpretation of the MOQ, DQ affects all the levels. The
identification of the four levels as "static" doesn't mean that they
don't ever change, it just means that they hold a specific pattern.
How long they hold that pattern is characteristic of which level it is
on. Inorganic patterns hold their patterns longer than biological
patterns, which hold their patterns longer than social patterns,
etc... Just because the social and intellectual patterns are held
shorter, that is, more Dynamic because they are working toward DQ,
doesn't mean that they don't produce an identifiable pattern.
This is my best explanation. At least, I think that a time element is
important here. What does the MOQ say about time?
Any thoughts?
Steve H
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