[MD] sq social - sq intellectual
Gene M
boredandunstable at gmail.com
Wed Aug 16 10:24:19 PDT 2006
On 8/15/06, pholden at davtv.com <pholden at davtv.com> wrote:
> Quoting Gene M <boredandunstable at gmail.com>:
> > I the multiplicity of the phrase was what was being pointed out. On the
> > social level, freedoms Do exist. DQ still affects that level and there
> can
> > be degrees of freedom socially. In fact I think there is a lot to look
> at
> > there.
> Can you give us a couple of examples of how DQ is still affecting the
> social level?
> Thanks.
> Platt
Sure! I've put a lot of thought into the idea that all culture is driven to
grow by it's counter-cultures. Succesful counter-cultures, like the hippie
movement, punks, nerds. All these are groups that chose to split from
Society, but eventually became so popular that Society re-integrated them.
For example, the disney channel is currently in the midst of their
"Psychedelic Summer" as the dubbed it. A true affront to the hippie
movement, but just a perfect example of the greater whole absorbing
succesful counter-cultures.
It's sort a societal survival tactic. Let DQ influence small groups of
people, and if they succeed well enough, pull them back in and absorb what
they've learned outside the mainstream. It's a fascinating process, and in
extreme evidence over the past 100 years.
Even this internet we use to communicate started off as mostly
counter-culturalists, the socially awkward, unable to deal with the people
around them, all got online and found each other. Eventually everyone else
noticed what a good time they were having and showed up. Now the internet is
ubiquituous to the mainstream.
Another example is how societies react to new technology and ideas. New
things are coming up all the time these days, piracy is on the rise,
abortion and gay marriage are hot button topics, all these new ideas and
ways of doing things are being shoved into Society's face, and it is forced
to adapt to them. There's no Real precedent for online crime, so they have
to start making things up.
These are all examples of DQ a'knocking on societie's door.
Anytime you are faced with something that cannot be solved satisfactorily
with precedent, then you need to adapt. And that is DQ in my mind.
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