[MD] Dewey, Pirsig Book

ARLO J BENSINGER JR ajb102 at psu.edu
Wed Aug 16 12:00:25 PDT 2006


I recently received this email from David Granger, author of the forthcoming
"John Dewey, Robert Pirsig, and the Art of Living: Revisioning Aesthetic
Education".  (In it he mentions the index, a word file I don't want to send
wily-nily to the list. If you are interested in seeing it, just let me know.)


Dear Arlo,

I have noted that the MoQ_discuss list recently mentioned my Journal of
Aesthetic Education article on Dewey and Pirsig. That article is part of
chapter 7 of my forthcoming book (which has also been mentioned) John Dewey,
Robert Pirsig and the Art of Living. So folks can get some idea of the larger
book and the ground it covers, I have attached a draft of the index. Please
feel free to pass it on to the discussion group folks.

(Note: I should add that I did not try to slight Dr. McWatt in any way in not
mentioning him or his work in the book, which is actually an extensive rewrite
of my dissertation, completed in 1998. Since then, I have intentionally not
looked at any of the more recent work done on Pirsig so as to better develop my
own interpretation.)

David Granger

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