[MD] Dewey, Pirsig Book
Ant McWatt
antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Thu Aug 17 02:45:39 PDT 2006
Sorry to hear of the recent difficulties you have had in contacting me.
Unfortunately, for some reason Hotmail (which I tend to use) sometimes has
difficulties being delivered to AOL accounts. I had a similar problem with
a student of mine with an AOL account so unfortunately it must be a general
fault. Whether that's with AOL or Hotmail (or both of them) I don't know.
However, I do know its a nuisance especially when it leads to
After sending an e-mail to your AOL account on August 12th which obviously
did not arrive, I e-mailed your granger at geneseo.edu e-mail account (cc-ed to
Matt Kundert) on August 15th and unfortunately it looked like that didnt
reach you either! Im therefore sending this using another e-mail address
to contact you directly and, just in case, through MOQ Discuss which Im
sure Arlo and/or Matt can pass on.
Anyway, as I suggested in my previous e-mails to you, if you send me a Word
(or html) version of the JAE article, I could then feature it on the
robertpirsig.org website with the index of your new book and then e-mail MOQ
Discuss notifying people of the relevant link. Otherwise, as I suggested,
just forward the Index to MOQ Discuss as you initially requested. Just let
me know either way though I guess Arlo has now covered the latter.
As I also suggested, when the publicity for the re-published LILA has died
down, I'd be happy to mention your book on the News page of the Pirsig
website. Just let me know. (I have been receiving your e-mails without any
difficulty. Im might not be able to reply to you directly (!) but Ill cc
Arlo in just in case).
Very best wishes,
David G noted to Arlo August 16th:
>I have noted that the MoQ_discuss list recently mentioned my Journal of
>Aesthetic Education article on Dewey and Pirsig. That article is part of
>chapter 7 of my forthcoming book (which has also been mentioned) John
>Robert Pirsig and the Art of Living. So folks can get some idea of the
>book and the ground it covers, I have attached a draft of the index. Please
>feel free to pass it on to the discussion group folks.
>(Note: I should add that I did not try to slight Dr. McWatt in any way in
>mentioning him or his work in the book, which is actually an extensive
>of my dissertation, completed in 1998. Since then, I have intentionally not
>looked at any of the more recent work done on Pirsig so as to better
>develop my
>own interpretation.)
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