[MD] evolution.....MOQ v SOM
Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Thu Aug 17 18:04:40 PDT 2006
Gav: was given two papers recently. one illustrates the SOM
take on evolution; the other is refreshingly
Mark: Hello Gav. Let's get on with it...
Gav: anyway something a bit better:
2. MOQ
>From self-reference to self-transcendence: the
evolution of self-organization dynamics.
Erich Jantsch
okay this is probably the most technically OTT paper
ever...but somehow it still works.
begins with a nice quote from martin buber:
"all real living is meeting. meeting is not in time
and space, but space and time in meeting."
profound stuff eh? if meeting is taken as a synonym
for experience and by association Quality...meeting
seems to suggest the direct apprehension/experience of
another....an authentic encounter with the numinous.
Mark: I think this can go further. In ZMM, Quality is an event after which
subjects and objects emerge. Now that we have the MoQ i think it may be
possible to say: DQ is an event after which sq patterns emerge. So, the term,
'meeting' misleadingly places sq patterns before DQ here. 'Meeting' could be
described as DQ generating sq patterns in an event? This is a process?
The term, 'other' has no meaning at the biological level; the other is a
static pattern left over after a Dynamic event.
Gav: okay some excerpts:
"symbiosis is usually defined in structural terms,
that is to say, by the relations between two or more
entities such as organisms. if however we look at a
*symbiosis of processes* instead, we arrive at the
notion of *co*evolution. In a predator-prey relation
the entities of the prey species are destroyed but not
its *evolutionary process". on the contrary, both
predator and prey species benefit in a *dynamic* view
and expand their niches."
nice *dynamic* take don't you think?
Mark: I'm getting excited. Very excited. Process ontology. DQ is churning
out sq patterns of evolution, and those very same sq patterns are
co-evolutionary. But this raises, it seems to me, all the questions i tried to explore in
my concept of coherence? I may be too hooked up on this, but if patterns can
form relationships, then it seems to me we then have a right to examine what
is best about those relationships? The answer has to have something to do
with DQ, but in a static sense.
Gav: "evolution at all levels involves the freedom of
action as well as the recognition of ubiquitous
systemic interconnectedness - in short, the joy as
well as the meaning of life"
hands up who likes hedonism?
Mark: I've always thought that if Chess does it for you then you rock. I
will put my hand up for all those who are often viewed as sad but rock.
Gav: The earliest life forms were by the far the best
adapted. if the meaning of evolution were just
adaptation and the increase of chances for survival,
as is so often claimed, the development of more
complex organisms would have been meaningless or even
a mistake. evolution however is about *creation* [DQ
latching], about life and not mere survival."
nice one erich.
Mark: I feel like i'm highjacking your post Gav but this wreakes of
coherence. The complexity of sq relationships is another way of saying 'More
Dynamic'. But as DQ is undefined to say, 'More Dynamic' must have a sq description?
If, However, Coherence IS a sq description of how sq opens up ever more to DQ
then it may have value. Apologies Gav.
Gav: "The self-reflexive mind is not restricted to the
organism whose dynamics it represents; it is truly
self-transcendent. it creates images of humanity in
macrosystems of various scope up to the ultimate
religious image of humanity-in-universe. with these
images arises the creative urge to become a force in
the further evolution of the macrosystems on earth and
beyond....*Responsibility* is the true spirit of the
self-reflexive mind, of self-transcendence in
the ultimate ethos of the intellectual level?
Mark: I have a feeling your own concern for Gaia is seriously influencing
your interpratation of this passage Gav?
I would watch that if i were you.
But, as i broadley agree with what i think you are saying i have to say this
is one the most honourable sentiments a Human being can hold.
Gav: and finally:
"the opening up of new levels of *anagenesis*
[step-wise evolution of the dynamics of
self-organization, bringing into play new levels of
systems....like the SQ hierarchy evolution arlo
described so well in individual v collective thread]
means new levels of indeterminancy, new degrees of
freedom. Indeterminancy plays at many microlevels and
macrolevels; the quantum-mechanical indterminancy,
which is usually recognized, is only one of them....up
till now, all [academic] attempts to find valid
formulations for *morphogenesis* [darwinian theory's
blind spot] at each level are, at best, based on a
view which considers the interaction of stochastic and
deterministic factors from an angle of view pertaining
to a single level only. all processes which impinge on
this level from adjacent levels are considered as
random. What is the meaning of *randomness* in the
context of multilevel evolution in which each new
level brings new ordering principles into play? How
random is the fluctuation which is introduced into a
system by one of its members or by an outsider if this
individual is itself the product of a long
evolutionary chain and of its own ontogeny?"
"it seems we frequently confuse indeterminancy and
chance. Indeterminancy is the freedom available at
each level which, however, cannot jump over the shadow
of its own history. Evolution is the open history of
an unfolding complexity, not the history of random
processes. *****what emerges are the contours of a
world in which little (if anything) is purely random,
but much is indetermined and shaped by a creativity
that transcends the systems which are its
wow...that was a lot of typing for me.
Mark: Is Arlo interested in coherence at all?
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