[MD] evolution.....MOQ v SOM
Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Thu Aug 17 19:16:07 PDT 2006
Hello Gav, You know, i want to thank you for this post.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
There is a tear in my eye. I don't know what to say?
Thanks Gav.
hey mark,
cheers for the good points.
'coherence' is a topic that interests me too. i think
i have probably missed a lot of your stuff on it over
the recent past, as i haven't been regularly wwwired
i read a book called 'the rainbow and the worm' by
mae-wan ho, a physics and biology researcher working
in engalnd but of eastern extraction (sound
the book is choc full of stuff on coherence,
including some awesome visuals. basically, mae asserts
that organisms are quantum coherent systems and that
information travels instanteously, effortlessly
througout the them. extrapolate organism to
ecosystem, planet and universe and you have
instantaneous communication throughout the cosmos.
in short the organism displays maximal local freedom
and maximal global cohesion in its ideal
(harmonious/coherent) state.
wish i still had the book....plenty of stuff on the
net about mae though. it can be pretty heavy physics
but it is worth it: she is def MOQ friendly!
Mark: Bollocks to the physics. This is the MoQ. Physics is going to have to
see things the MoQ way in order to transcend.
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