[MD] Idea....maybe

gav gav_gc at yahoo.com.au
Thu Aug 17 20:13:52 PDT 2006

i was thinking.......
i tried uni out again this year and enjoyed it a lot:
the informal interaction that is. the quality of class
discussion was high; unfortunately most of the
curricula content was heavily SOM.

exams and papers seem surreal to me now; the whole
judgement/competition base of it all just doesn't work
anymore. i mean the one thing you put most of yourself
into (final paper) is just read by the teacher and
thrown in the bin! it is ridiculous; it is exactly
this stuff, the students OWN considered thoughts, that
need to be shared among the
class...cross-pollinating....evolving mutual
understandings....triggering debate, dialogue,

anyway that is why i bailed...had to really force
myself to do the required assessment. well that and
the world cup being on!

so....i been a thinking and it seems to me that maybe
a virtual uni would be a good idea. basically a
repository of quality thought and art, and
open/moderated fora particular to various fields.

this would be a FREE university whose raison d'etre
would be the storing and evolution of quality
knowledge; open and responsive to all.

okay so isn't this just what the internet is now? well
maybe,  but it is rather haphazard and unorganized. i
think that a lot of quality is there but a bit of
static fiddling could make it all easier to access,
interrelate and be more open to DQ (ie

an MOQ uni? the university of quality? the free
university of quality (FUQ) hmmmmmmmm

under the gentle aegis of an MOQ framework, an
entirely new kind of university could evolve. one that
includes anyone who wished to participate, in any
field(s) they choose. 

the MOQ aegis could be simply stated as three or four
decreasingly valuable/accurate statements. a rough
1. reality is quality
2. quality, in the MOQ, is divided into a dynamic and
static component. without DQ things wouldn't
change/evolve; without sq things wouldn't persist.
3. DQ is strictly speaking indefinable. however we can
say that it is the mystical source, centre and summit
of the MOQ. evolution is a migration of static
patterns towards DQ.
4. static patterns, ie all things that exist, are
divided into a hierarchy of four levels: intellectual,
social, biological, inorganic. these levels are
discrete but are related via evolution (Arlo's stuff
explaing the collective/individual source of level
evolution could be put here).

i guess the university's motto could be 'quality is

anyway just dreamin....

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