[MD] Individual v Collective
Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Squonkonguitar at aol.com
Fri Aug 18 15:06:04 PDT 2006
Marsha and Mark ..
Good job you pointed that out Marsha because I didn't spot it in
Mark's mail on the first read through ...
So Mark, at the risk of getting pedantic, we have now moved the
definitional problem along to the difference between
repeating by "imitation" (without manipulation)
repeating (expressing a preference for) after "manipulation"
Mark: Hello Ian. The difference is an empirical observation. The behaviour
of the social level wasn't deduced, it was observed to be so.
If you wish to deduce a definition you are confined to the intellectual
level of symbolic manipulation. And by your own statement you feel you have
encountered a problem of definition. But definitions are deduced. Social behaviour
is observed.
Ian: Again, I think I'm not disagreeing but saying these are not as clearly
distinct as it might at first appear (in living things with reasonably
sophisticated central nervous systems, and any kind of mind).
Mark: If you are doubting the clear MoQ distinction then we are indeed
disagreeing, pedantry or not.
Produce one counterexample which challenges the imitation -
social/manipulation - intellectual distinction and we have something to work on.
The evolutionary related levels CNS's and Minds sandwich the Social level. I
think your difficulty seeing this stems from your intellectual tradition - a
tradition which does not value a distinct social level, and a tradition
which is reflected in your choice of language. I may be mistaken but these posts
and a few other experiences are what i have to work with.
Central nervous systems are biological patterns of sq.
[ Imitated conventions of behaviour (such as paying for you Walmart bill
when you leave the store instead of walking straight out the exit) are Social
patterns of sq which biological patterns of sq such as central nervous systems
facilitate. No one is going to walk out of a Walmart or anywhere else without
a central nervous system sophisticated enough to perform the task. ]
Mind is a term the MoQ avoids like the plague.
(Mind is not up to our metaphysical project. Mind, like Culture, has a
Social and Intellectual component and it is a retrograde step to ignore this in my
view. After the progress made in Lila i don't want to dredge up an extended
enquiry into som Mind. I would rather be forced at gun point to have to
listen to the whole Jesus Christ Superstar soundtrack. Having said that, and to
martyr myself to the MoQ, i would agree to do it.)
Rather, the intellect can get you out of Walmart without walking straight
into the arms of the Law if you give it enough thought.
So, the Mind can be at variance with itself if it's imitated patterns don't
stand up to intellectual scrutiny; Mind is more than one level of
evolutionary related sq patterns.
Ian: I see some of the same "reflective consciousness" thing I mentioned
before in the idea of "manipulation" ... so clearly, the less
reflective consciousness goes into "repeating" a pattern, the more it
looks purely social, reflexive "imitation", the more conscious
manipulation, the more it looks intellectual.
Mark: It may not stop here: Sub-consciousness, consciousness,
reflective-consciousness, Hyper-reflective-consciousness, and as many shades in between as
you like. But no matter, because as these categories increase it may also
become clear they collapse into a more elegant and simple description based on
imitation and manipulation.
You may be suggesting:
1. Degrees of imitation and manipulation qua imitation and manipulation.
(I do not doubt this; If some patterns of value are better than others then
there should be degrees of imitation and manipulation.)
2. One may follow the other in rapid succession.
(The crucial point is this: It's either imitation or manipulation, not
shades of both merging in and out of eachother forming a socio-intellectual level.)
3. Phases of dominance.
(A bright individual may be dominated by social or biological patterns and
behave like a dick-head, while retaining the capacity to be dominated by
intellectual patterns as and when.)
I don't think you are suggesting any of these Ian? For you, the social and
intellectual are revealed by their appropriate conscious state? Have i it
But who said symbolic manipulation was reflexively conscious?
This goes against the grain of all i have ever said about losing the self in
creative endeavour, and if you read my posts with dmb recently you may see i
am being consistent here?
Symbolic manipulation involves DQ.
In order for manipulation to occur the relationships between your current
intellectual sq patterns must be disrupted and transcended, and this requires a
letting go of reflexivity i should have thought. I'm not sure about
consciousness? I didn't introduce the term consciousness into this thread because i
tend to prefer the term experience.
To be conscious may be to be conscious of something.
To experience is to be with that which you experience.
If you are conscious of the spanner you don't experience it.
Ian: It's the adding in of "intellectual meaning" that makes it
"intellectual" ... as you said. Understood.
Mark: When did i say this?
Ian: I guess all I was
questioning ... in the bird-brained metaphor / analogy was whether a
bird call really lacked such meaning ... or to use a point I made
earlier ... where in the process any "meaning" arises.
If I say any more, I'm just repeating myself :-)
Mark: For my part i've enjoyed this and it's had me thinking. Thank you.
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