[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 19 03:57:02 PDT 2006


> I would fight terrorism the only place it can be
> fought, in the realm of
> thought. Terrorism is an idea. A place inside
> people's heads. You can shoot
> it, you can't bomb it. All you can do is try and
> have better ideas.
> Terrorism is like that damn bobbing clown you punch.
> Or a ball floating in
> water. The harder you punch it, the more it springs
> back. Direct force is
> not only wasteful, but ultimately detrimental. You
> need gentle force,
> redirection. Cleverness.
> War is a blunt tool, used to smash something you
> don't understand how to
> fix. It's a waste of effort, money and lives. And it
> sickens me to see it
> pulled out so often as a first resort.

     Excellent!!!!!  I understand when somebody hits
me, I hit back, but ideally, in the world of ideas,
this usurping and debating would be best demonstrated
in the world of ideas and the use of cleverness.  If
we could have populations of Ghandi, Martin Luther
King, Jr, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Christ, and the best
demonstration of this population I've learned about is
Tibetan monks as the Chinese rolled into their lives
with guns, then ideas would appear first....  Hence
the age old problem these people have tried to
demonstrate, but how many people actually were able to
behave according to the peace these people were trying
to personify.  It sickens me too, that blunt force is
used as a resort to finally get points across.


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