[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 19 14:39:10 PDT 2006


     You know where I stand.  Do you always want
terrorist fighting us, us fighting them, them fighting
those people, and those people fighting those other
people?  Obviously as we speak, in the end, the wars
in Iraq and Afghan. are to end up in peace, right?  Do
you think we, anybody in the world, would always have
to use blunt force?  Do you want blunt force not to be
the answer?  Unless you like to kill, peace would need
to be the goal of all, but since all do not like
peace, then killing and murdering are in the minds of
some, no matter what their nationality, politics,
and/or religion.  
     The point is peace would be better than war,
don't you think?  I hope Platts' pandoras box of: 
'Kill them all even if they like peace', doesn't open
up.  And just because I am talking about 'they like
peace' doesn't mean terrorist like peace.  Platt, the
terrorist like to kill and murder, we all know that,
don't get too political on me.  I'm just talking about
'peace is better than war' in the end, even wars are
spoken and enacted for the final goal of peace.


--- pholden at davtv.com wrote:

> Quoting Heather Perella
> <spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com>:
> >      Excellent!!!!!  I understand when somebody
> hits
> > me, I hit back, but ideally, in the world of
> ideas,
> > this usurping and debating would be best
> demonstrated
> > in the world of ideas and the use of cleverness. 
> If
> > we could have populations of Ghandi, Martin Luther
> > King, Jr, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Christ, and the best
> > demonstration of this population I've learned
> about is
> > Tibetan monks as the Chinese rolled into their
> lives
> > with guns, then ideas would appear first.... 
> Hence
> > the age old problem these people have tried to
> > demonstrate, but how many people actually were
> able to
> > behave according to the peace these people were
> trying
> > to personify.  It sickens me too, that blunt force
> is
> > used as a resort to finally get points across.
> I wonder if you think it was wrong to use blunt
> force against the Nazis and
> the Japs in World War II to "get points across." 
> Would you, like Gene, be 
> unwilling to fight terrorists under any
> circumstances?
> Thanks.
> Platt
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