[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sat Aug 19 16:38:00 PDT 2006


> Well, uh, yes. I think peace is better than war. But
> again I ask, Would you
> be unwilling to fight terrorists under any
> circumstances?

    As I've spoken many times before, if somebody came
near me, a terrorist say, and tried to hurt me (as
they would if they could get close enough to me) or
anybody near me, I would fight back with intent to
kill.  My point is, let's not forget that when
somebody talks about peace, soldiers talk about peace,
also; and soldiers are heros fighting out peace on the
battlefield with far more aggression than I.  We all
are playing our roles in this society, and I have
mine.  I'm not going down that societal complaining
road for those that know how I can get so I'll save
your eyes and ears.  But, anyways, when it comes to
fighting terrorists and usurping any need for war, I'm
for it, for in the end is where my eyes are clearly
targeting as I shoot this arrow - Bullseye - Peace!


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