[MD] Pressed Ham

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 20 07:16:13 PDT 2006


     "I owe DMB some additional answers, now that he
has asked me "to participate in a conversation about
[the] incompatibility."  Of course, he also expects my
defense to be based on "quotes and explanations [HE]
has provided."

     This has been the difficulty all along for you
Ham.  Some people make some comments to you, and
quickly their comments are perceived by you to be not
worth your time and/or thesis, so you don't
reciprocate with comments and just end the
conversation, at times.  "quotes and explanations [HE]
(capital letters I see) has provided" the "HE" part of
this must be challenging for you, since you have
difficulty empathizing, and understanding bridges to
show where the contrasts or similarities are.  To step
outside of your thesis, or the inability of your
thesis to confront "quotes and explanations [HE] has
provided" happens plenty with you and thus - the
     Your comments always tend to venture back to your
thesis.  This is fine, but are you noticing something
others notice here, too, which is your thesis is an
insight providing another perspective on the MOQ.org. 
I quote from Platt as follows: 

     "I see your contributions to this site extremely
valuable because they challenge the reigning

     This implies a difference in your thesis,
approach, and perspective, Ham.

     "I suggest you simply ignore those who can't or
refuse to answer your objections to the MOQ..."

     Platt is saying you object to the MOQ, thus, your
line of thinking is different from the MOQ.

     "...and try to hide their own intellectual
inadequacies by attacking your motives, honesty,
intelligence and politics -- anything to avoid a civil

     Debate, implies difference of opinion.  Thus, dmb
notices this, as well.  He may not be explicitly
complimenting your ego with such comments as
"...hid[ing] their own intellectual inadequacies..."
as mentioned in the above quote by Platt.  But surely
you notice the incompatibility and will take up the
endeavour to as I quote dmb as follows:

     "As a matter of fact, I was asking you to
participate in a conversation about that

     You might be thinking about this.  Yet you
usually answer very quickly when the conversation
veers towards your thesis.  So, as in the past, you
might be skipping out on this one.  
     By the way, I've put my activity on the MOQ.org
on pause until the last couple of days, and I notice
an Abiding Beliefs thread that opened up some time
ago.  I probably don't have all the beliefs of the
MOQ, as well, and probably add my own beliefs that go
outside of what the MOQ covers.  So I am probably not
a strict adherer to MOQ, and any opinion outside of
the MOQ, in my opinion, would provide unique angles to
shed dharmakaya light upon our world.  So Ham, don't
think we are trying to kick you out of the MOQ.org.



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