[MD] sq social - sq intellectual

Gene M boredandunstable at gmail.com
Sun Aug 20 21:40:29 PDT 2006


> At war with intellectual patterns? Were not the Nazis and Japanese
> intellectuals?
> Did they not attempt to impose their intellectual patterns on their
> adversaries?
> And why isn't the Islamic culture at fault for not eliminating its
> agressive elements?
> Be assured that the necessity of fighting biology with biology, a
> necessity you
> agree with, has not changed since WW II any more than human nature has
> changed since
> then. As Pirsig rightly pointed out, you cannot talk crime to death, and
> the
> instrument of conversation between our society and a biological terrorist
> is a
> soldier with a gun. That has not, nor will ever, change. Treating this
> conflict any
> different than similar conflicts throughout the ages is, to borrow a
> phrase, "the
> worst mistake we can make." Appeasing the likes of Iran, Syria, al Qaeda,
> Hamas and
> Hesbollah will result in catastrophe -- a result that Pirsig predicted if
> amoral
> intellectuals continue to appease biological forces by blaming anyone and
> anything
> except the criminals for their acts.

Do you even read my whole posts? I Really have to wonder sometimes since
this a point I thought I covered already...

WWII was about social patterns. This is about intellectual pactterns. It's a
whole new breed of war. Remaining static in the face of dynamic forces leads
to defeat. This has been for over 2000 years.

No two wars are ever the same, and a good leader adapts to the situation.
Right now, your leaders are trying to adapt the situation to what they know.

Once again you completely miss the point.


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