[MD] Ham on Esthesia

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 22 20:20:46 PDT 2006

Hey gav (Case mentioned),

> ham:> Unfortunately, for all his alleged overcoming
> of
> > duality, Mr. Prisig has not
> > shown us how it is supposed to benefit the
> > individual.
> gav: well i have to differ once more. it benefits
> the
> individual because they lose the conceptual illusion
> of separation from the world, each other, nature,
> the
> universe. amongst other things.

     Exactly! Excellent!  That's the appeal -
     As I quote from Joseph Campbell's “The Inner
Reaches of Outer Space”, in which he quotes from James
Joyces' "A Portrait of the Artist As a Young Man" as
     “Aquinas says,” states Stephen Dedalus, “Three
things are needed for beauty, wholeness (integrity),
harmony, and radiance.”  
     Ah, I believe this might be Case's favored topic
- harmony, and add some good old ancient wholeness
with a dash of radiance - we find Campbell's way of
putting it called bliss!  
     It's that togetherness factor once again. 
Relationships, connectiveness, and family - doctor


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