[MD] Ham on Esthesia

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 23 16:55:02 PDT 2006


> The fact that the realm of the unknowable has been
> reduced to less than
> .001% is a testimony to the abandonment of idealism,
> rationalism, theism,
> mysticism and whatever. I respect those isms and
> understand the impulse
> towards them, I sometimes privately resort to them
> but I don't take them be
> anything more than metaphysical night lights. I
> don't expect private
> revelations to have much significance beyond my own
> skin if they can not be
> ordered and communicated. And I look to the material
> worlds to correct what
> ever errors pop up in my conceptions. My ideas are
> about something.

     That act of looking "...to the material worlds to
correct what ever errors pop up..." is that an act of
mysticism?  The way mysticism is approached by me is
as a psychological conditioning in how I relate with
the world, which is something we all must do - relate
with the world, somehow and in someway.  When you
notice Jupiter your not relying on your preconceived
notion of what the 'essence' of Jupiter could be.  You
clear your mind, right?  Or, in other words, I clear
my mind and listen to the crickets and just sit here
sometimes.  Any thinking that happens in my head could
be just mere explosions carving out new roads,
exercising receptive channels in my life.  Instead of
just thinking in one particular way, I'm trying to
relate, and allow my mind to be flexible, thus,
open-minded.  When I clear my head, I feel my heart,
and I relax, which is to say I open up to the world. 
To notice Jupiter for what Jupiter is, which is to go
beyond SOM.  Maybe somebody can analyze my experience
with Jupiter and call it an SOM experience, but I'm
not seeing a subject or an object, I'm noticing the
whole path between Jupiter and I, at the same time, I
hear crickets as I think about Jupiter.  I'm creating
an analogue of what Jupiter is when I explain to you
what Jupiter is according to me and Jupiter being here
in this vast universe, thus, I'm not closing out
everything else that might happen while I experience
Jupiter.  That's all I really did, was sit back in
this wooden chair, discuss with you how I relate with
the universe that has this place called Jupiter,
feeling night fall while I take a breath, hear some
katydids chime in on the chatter upon this good, old


P.S. sure i leisurely chatted, but hey we human beings
(maybe katydid's too) do that sometimes

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