[MD] Ham on Esthesia

Case Case at iSpots.com
Thu Aug 24 17:32:11 PDT 2006

> [Case]
> And that something is static predictable patterns coalescing out the 
> dynamic uncertainty. Order emerging as a natural consequence of 
> dynamic chaos.

"Coalesce out of" is no different than "emerge from." In other words, oops.
Instead of saying God creates order you say Mother nature creates order. No

difference there. And in the MOQ, it's not dynamic chaos, it's Dynamic
Big difference there. 

OK, try this. Take a jar and fill it half full of cooking oil and half full
of water. Shake it up and watch what happens. The amount of energy you put
into shaking it effects how long it takes the liquids to separate. If you
watch closely as they separate you will see little bubbles making bigger
bubble until there are just two bubbles. Chaos is introduced into the jar by
the dynamic quality of the shaking. The overall system of oil and water
returns to stasis as the dynamic quality dissipates.

Visit any Spencer's Gift and you can watch many examples of multicolored
fluids of various viscosities dripping and flowing in determined but
unpredictable ways.  While you are there, take a look at what they can do
with a magnet and a 9 volt battery.

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