[MD] Ham on Esthesia

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 24 18:16:28 PDT 2006


> [Platt]
>...Besides, the
> mystics tell us 
> "Thought is not a path to reality."

> [Case]
> ...Mystics... ok so do they just say this or is it a
> thought they have?

     I tried to say this in an earlier, recent post,
but here's the simple answer Case.
     What do you see when you look at Jupiter?  The
thought of Jupiter or the non-thought of Jupiter?  I
notice the non-thought of Jupiter, in other words, I
notice - Jupiter.  Can I think of Jupiter?  Sure, and
I can define, put into words, and thus have this and
that thought about Jupiter.
     Yet, most of the time, for me, when I look in the
sky (if I could find Jupiter easily it would be the
same) I just look at the moon, planets, and stars,
etc...  I stare, I contemplate them, not with words,
with a focus, an intent focus on relaxing and enjoying
this union I have with them - the non-thought union
with them.
     Hopefully, I simplified and went to the point
quicker this time.


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