[MD] Ham on Esthesia

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 25 07:35:45 PDT 2006


     You know I would love to sit out on the porch and
chat about the night sky.  But I got stuff to do. Got
to a have a report on the boss's desk before 8 a.m... 
Better get extra chips at the supermarket.
     You say you got time to listen to bugs and gaze
at the stars. 
     Get a life, man. 
     Get a life.

     You are going from having a thought about
non-thought, and I have my comments about how
scientists and mystics enact non-thoughts in their
union with their telescopes and eye with Jupiter.  So
you go from those comments to get a life...  Your
funny! Thanks for making me laugh. :-)  You know you
need to get a life, and don't forget those extra
chips.  Ha, Ha  I'll stick to those real life livin'
bugs... Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha,  I am really laughing
inside... thanks  
     By the way, I wish I had more time to listen to
bugs and gaze at the stars, maybe I should make more
time.  Gotta go.


> > [Platt]
> >...Besides, the mystics tell us "Thought is not a 
> > path to reality."
> > [Case]
> > ...Mystics... ok so do they just say this or is it
> a
> > thought they have?
> [SA]
>      I tried to say this in an earlier, recent post,
> but here's the simple answer Case.
>      What do you see when you look at Jupiter?  The
> thought of Jupiter or the non-thought of Jupiter?  I
> notice the non-thought of Jupiter, in other words, I
> notice - Jupiter.  Can I think of Jupiter?  Sure,
> and
> I can define, put into words, and thus have this and
> that thought about Jupiter.
>      Yet, most of the time, for me, when I look in
> the
> sky (if I could find Jupiter easily it would be the
> same) I just look at the moon, planets, and stars,
> etc...  I stare, I contemplate them, not with words,
> with a focus, an intent focus on relaxing and
> enjoying
> this union I have with them - the non-thought union
> with them.
>      Hopefully, I simplified and went to the point
> quicker this time.
> SA

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