[MD] Ham on Esthesia

Case case at ispots.com
Fri Aug 25 12:43:37 PDT 2006

> Harmony is primarily an aesthetic experience.  What do you suppose
> prompted
> Pythagoras to explore the chordal relationship of musical pitches in the
> first place?  He was pleased by the sound of harmony.  You can't
> experience
> harmony by studying numbers and symbols on parchment.  You have to hear
> it.
> You can't enjoy Beethoven by reading his notes on a score sheet.  The same
> principle applies to Beauty.  You can't appreciate the magnificence of a
> sunset by examining a spectral analysis of its colors.
> Logical positivists like yourself are missing the Essence of life by
> reducing it to definitions, propositions, and formulas.

Thank you for labeling me and passing value judgements on the Quality of
my personal experience. Have you been talking to my wife?

As for Pythagoras you could not be more wrong.


Music majors tell me you can not really appreciate the underlieing beauty
of some composer's work without being able to read the score.

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