[MD] Drama

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 27 08:32:12 PDT 2006


     It is just our Ego thinking we can care about
those that don't want cared for.  Who do we think we
are forcing something upon someone who doesn't want
what we are giving them?  To want to care and nurture
monsters is to give these monsters more to eat and
drink in order to survive.  Kill the bastards! 
Annihilate them with the best weapons we have to
offer.  In my line of work, this destruction comes in
the form of no pity, only terror, give consequences
over and over again and let them know you do not
approve of such behavior.  To nurture, care, and to
lower ones expectations thinking they will listen to
you is a joke.  Some of these kids don't try to change
and they will manipulate and create awful atmospheres
unless you bulldoze them into the ground with a terror
of consequences.  We do we think we are thinking we
can change anybody?  It is only our Ego's thinking
such horse-manure.  The choices are set in place.  The
clear distinctions are made over and over again.  What
choices, what willingness do these kids have?  Who do
we think we are?  It is only our Ego thinking we can
change those that don't want to change.  Love them,
hell no, I'm not giving them one drop of 'water' to
survive, I'm going to kill these monsters that have
not only possessed but are these residents at this
placement facility I work at.


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