[MD] Ham on Esthesia

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Mon Aug 28 04:23:36 PDT 2006

Quoting Ham Priday <hampday1 at verizon.net>:

> What are your tastes as a violinist, Steve?  And, one more question -- If
> you hadn't become acquainted with Pirsig, wouldn't you be persuaded, as I
> am, that the beauty (value) of music is in "the ear of the beholder"?

I, too, am persuaded that beauty is not an object, but a state of mind. I see
no contradiction with Pirsig's DQ as it is described as an individual response.
No response, no DQ. After all, value occurs prior to the subject/object split.


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