[MD] Whose Freedom?

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Mon Aug 28 23:21:11 PDT 2006

At 06:06 PM 8/28/2006, you wrote:
>Hi Marsha,
>I'm a fan of Lakoff's previous work.
>I shall look out for this one.

Hi Ian,

If you're interested in hearing the interview, I bet you can find it 
on C-SPAN2's BookTV.  What I found most interesting was that Lakoff 
demonstrated the difficulty in communication.  Seems under the two 
different political understandings of 'freedom', there is the generic 
understanding:  freedom is the founding fathers, Bill of Rights, Mom 
and apple pie.  The Conservatives understanding is very clear and 
institutionalized through think tanks, etc.  The Liberal perspective 
of freedom is not clearly defined.  I can imagine how difficult this 
makes the political discussion.  For instance, when in a speech Bush 
talks about freedom and uses both generic apple pie version and the 
Conservative version interchangeably.  I being a Liberal, and not 
understanding the difference can, only think him a hypocrite and liar.

 From a MOQ point-of-view, I see overlapping clusters of static 
quality struggling for dominance leaving chaos in its path, and a 
need for the intellectual level to help sort things out.  It sounded 
like this book attempts to do just that.  I'm looking forward to 
reading what Mr. Lakoff adds to the pot of freedom.



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