[MD] Ham on Esthesia

Joseph Maurer jhmau at sbcglobal.net
Tue Aug 29 13:28:11 PDT 2006

On Saturday 26 August 2006 12:50 PM Ham writes to Joe

Joe --

> In a triad of essence, nothingness and existence,
> for one element to stand alone, the other two are in> contradictory 
> identity. Existence is a multi-dimensional
> cosmology, while essence and nothingness stand in CI.

Beautiful! Wherever did you get this statement, or is it yours? Can you
point me to a source that speaks of an "Essential Triad"?

And what if TWO of the elements stand alone -- say, existence and
nothingness? Does nothingness count in that instance? Does nothingness count 
Can existence be considered a dichotomy of "being" and nothingness?

As you see, you've struck something of vital interest to me and my thesis.
If you can elaborate on this CI concept, you'll find me a willing listener.

Many thanks, Joe.

Essentially yours,

Hi Ham and all,

The Logic (Language) of Contradictory Identity was first introduced by Scott 
Roberts on the List. For example:

>On Monday 13 June 2005 9:30 AM Scott Roberts writes to Bodvar Skutvik

>It is because Pirsig avoids the dilemmas of language that his philosophy is
>inadequate. One must dive into language, equipped with the logic of
>contradictory identity.

I first heard of LofCI from Scott.

>From Gurdjieff I accepted the law of three: every manifestation is comprised 
of three forces.

Bodvar Skutvik on the list in his analysis of the intellectual level 
produced SOL The Language (logic) of Subject Object. To me that indicated a 
formulation of conscious evolution, and cosmic evolution as proposed by 
Maurice Nicoll in The New Man.

The three terms Essence, Nothingness, Existence were proposed by you.

I am a gadfly, not an original thinker.


> Joe --
>> In a triad of essence, nothingness and existence,
>> for one element to stand alone, the other two are in
>> contradictory identity.  Existence is a multi-dimensional
>> cosmology, while essence and nothingness stand in CI.
> Beautiful!  Wherever did you get this statement, or is it yours?  Can you
> point me to a source that speaks of an "Essential Triad"?
> And what if TWO of the elements stand alone -- say, existence and
> nothingness?
> Does nothingness count in that instance?  Does nothingness count anyway?
> Can existence be considered a dichotomy of "being" and nothingness?
> As you see, you've struck something of vital interest to me and my thesis.
> If you can elaborate on this CI concept, you'll find me a willing 
> listener.
> Many thanks, Joe.
> Essentially yours,
> Ham
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