[MD] Drama

david buchanan dmbuchanan at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 30 07:17:48 PDT 2006

Marsha said to SA:
...There is only quality.   And how one is taught to recognize and make a 
more intelligent evaluation is the dilemma of our society.  I have made a 
monastery dedicated to painting, and I am mostly content.  But in truth, 
none of are free until we're all free.

dmb says:
A monastery? Its interesting that you should put it in those terms. Morris 
Berman, in his book titled THE TWILIGHT OF AMERICAN CULTURE, says that we 
are entering a dark age and describes his long-term solution to the collaspe 
of our civilization as "the monastic option". That's where small pockets of 
misfits preserve the materials of our culture until the dark age blows over. 
He doesn't mean religious practice or asceticism, just an enclave of 
culturally literate custodians.

If you saw the statistics of decline, this idea would seem more realistic 
than it might otherwise appear.

Basically, he says the American public is getting stupider and meaner and 
poorer every day.


Let's say its one of those monastaries that makes wine or something, at 


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