[MD] Drama

pholden at davtv.com pholden at davtv.com
Wed Aug 30 08:08:02 PDT 2006

Quoting MarshaV <marshalz at charter.net>:

> At 10:17 AM 8/30/2006, DMB wrote:

> >dmb says:
> >A monastery? Its interesting that you should put it in those terms. Morris
> >Berman, in his book titled THE TWILIGHT OF AMERICAN CULTURE, says that we
> >are entering a dark age and describes his long-term solution to the collaspe
> >of our civilization as "the monastic option". That's where small pockets of
> >misfits preserve the materials of our culture until the dark age blows over.
> >He doesn't mean religious practice or asceticism, just an enclave of
> >culturally literate custodians.
> Yes, I have daydreamed of such a community.

I find it curious but revealing that neither Marsha nor DMB seem to consider
current universities and colleges "enclaves of the culturally literate." I agree
with their evaluation.


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