[MD] Drama

MarshaV marshalz at charter.net
Thu Aug 31 07:45:40 PDT 2006

At 10:17 AM 8/31/2006, Arlo wrote:
>I, too, am hoping for a cultural Renaissance, but this will not occur under
>the current mercantilist norms, nor the politics of distraction we've
>embraced so strongly. All we will continue to get is more of the same.
>Politicians who have learned how to manipulate fear, and secure their power
>through "saving us from the nightmare", will continue to use this strategy
>so long as it works.

Is it yet time to take up musket?  Do you listen to C-SPAN?  People 
are really angry, angry at both Democrats and Republicans.  I hear 
more and more, "Throw all the scoundrels out!!".

>Americans will continue to be more interested in
>shopping at Walmart than understanding the complexities of political-social
>historical activity. We will continue to find patting our patriotic backs
>and proclaiming our moral superiority to be greater than solving problems.

This seems a little harsh.  There may be some hope, my kids have 
started asking me questions.

>Let's say its one of those monastaries that makes wine or something, at least.

This wonderful quip was made by DMB, not me.  He has such style!!!

By the way, the Lakoff book is due to arrive tomorrow.  I can hardly wait.



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