[MD] Drama
ian glendinning
psybertron at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 09:41:25 PDT 2006
DMB, Marsha, SA, Arlo,
DMB and Marsha seemed to agree on this "twighlight" point.
"I don't think I agree that it's the American public that is stupider
and meaner. The American public seems overly stressed and
ill-informed as a result of meaner, stupider leadership"
The problem for me is seeing these as somehow separate issues ... the
people gets the government (and media) they deserve (Global or US).
The government are just selected examples of the people. This is a
loopy cyclic issue, linked of couse by the government "election"
processes. (see other thread)
I think, working our way out of what might easily be seen as a cycle
of decline (rather than working out who to blame) is the quest we're
on, hopefully. Deckchairs on the Titanic, etc.
My take on this is the natural evolutionary cycle of ideas
(MOQ-Intellect, memetics by any other name) rather than a conspiracy
in the heads of a few; the "conspiracy" is our acceptance of "received
wisdom" on the subject.
SA and Arlo were debating the place of the education system in this
process of understanding how the world really works (and of course
Granger's Deweyian piece and Pirsig's orginal context were
educational, don't forget) Interestingly the main focus of "Friends of
Wisdom" is the educational system US, Canada and UK mainly.
What was it Tony Blair said ? "Education, Education, Education"
Was it simply electioneering rhetoric ? Which takes us back round the loop ...
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