[MD] U.S. Values: the Jones

Ant McWatt antmcwatt at hotmail.co.uk
Sun Dec 3 05:53:21 PST 2006

Marsha asked December 3rd:

Here's a NYT's opinion piece on U.S. Values.  What do you think?



This continual emphasis on material success (described by the NYT article) 
unfortunately shows that the concerns in ZMM are as relevant today as when 
it was first published in the mid-1970s.

Maybe _every_ US teenager needs to be given a motorcycle and a passport 
together with free camping holidays abroad, free magic mushrooms and 
mandatory two year courses in meditation, permaculture, philosophy and 
sociology?  Environmental studies, fine art and music could be options.
Any student who refused to attend the mandatory courses would be shown a 
video of Michael Jackson's life as a warning about the perils of material 

Best wishes,



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