[MD] freedom is for the rich

Arlo Bensinger ajb102 at psu.edu
Mon Dec 4 09:33:06 PST 2006

Is your premise - "we need government to live"?

My premise is that we achieve more with collective action than without.

I've used toll roads many times, they are great when held privately, and 

What happens when you need to get to the hospital but are low on cash? What 
happens when you have to stop and pay a dozen tolls on your way to work? 
Not to mention that toll roads are not private, they are cost-regulated 
(and subsidized) by the state.

There are not enough wealthy individuals to build and support a private 
highway system, that would only be possible with lower cost and access to 
all, but this is elementary Capitalism - which you should understand.

Are the railroads accessible by all, or only by those with the ability to 
pay? By privatizing the roads, you drive the cost up and restrict usage to 
those with wealth. It would be akin to abolishing the public libraries in 
lieu of Barnes & Noble bookstores. But, I guess you'd argue for that too.

And we don't need a military...

Micah, I'm giving you an A+ for logical consistency. We may disagree, but 
your position is internally consistent.

You'll notice I said without our consent, which implies our greatest threat 
- politicians.

Our greatest threat is "We the People" (gonna steal that one from Case)?

Bush and Co. are doing a great job of screwing the pooch with our consent.

A point of agreement.

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