[MD] The MOQ's First Principle

Arlo Bensinger ajb102 at psu.edu
Tue Dec 5 12:05:40 PST 2006

I would say your paragraph says more about your values than Platt's statement.

[Platt's statement]
The first principle of the MOQ is freedom from static "dictates" to allow 
DQ to flourish.

Don't you think Platt's statement also bespeaks his values?

Do you believe that the first principle of the MOQ is to achieve "freedom" 
from "static dictates" to "allow DQ to flourish"?

Do you not think this implies DQ is somehow "better" than SQ?

If anything "flourishes", it is when DQ and SQ are in harmony, when 
evolution and latching co-occur. Do you disagree?

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