[MD] The MOQ's First Principle

ian glendinning psybertron at gmail.com
Wed Dec 6 06:29:26 PST 2006


You said
> I suppose the distinction
> between the third and fourth levels is the most contentious simply because
> the other three are based on common sense.

(Aside - I say common sense is over-rated, because it is culturally
conditioned, but pragmatic enough for our debate here.)

So, do you nevertheless believe the distinction is clear ?
Could you state the 3 vs 4 distinction "clearly" ?

You also said
> And the distinction is probably hard to see
> because it seems so many MOQers are fond of confusing, complicating or
> otherwise undermining it.

I think that's a little cart before horse. I see it as less distinct,
because I see it as less distinct. If it were clear, I'd be a happy
bunny, and would see no reason to complicate thngs. In what you might
call one of my complicating factors, I refer to as the
"socio-cultural-intellectual continuum", I do still have social and
intellectual axes within a cutural continuum of course, I just find it
hard to see them as parallel / distict / independent layers.

The fact that we debate social and intellectual issues is a cultural
phenomenon, if you like.

So I guess, I repeat the question what clear distinction do you see ?

(BTW the reason for my onlion skin view is the very fact that we are
now debating the distinctions between layers, not the layers


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