[MD] The MOQ's First Principle

Heather Perella spiritualadirondack at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 7 15:01:41 PST 2006

     [SA previously]
> >      I don't think we can say he went wrong, can
> we?

     [Dan G.]
> Just dead wrong.

     Death is wrong?  We all die, then we all are
wrong, I guess that's what your saying.

     [SA previously]
> >This is very sad.  He was trying to save his
> family,
> >and died trying... so sad.

     [Dan G.]
> Sure it's sad but before we go filling our cups with
> tears, isn't it better 
> to examine the choices he made in an effort to gain
> some little insight into 
> what we ourselves might do in a similar situation?


     [SA previously]
> >  A good memory for the
> >family, I'm assuming, where dad is loving his
> family so much, trying to help them out, trying to
> them.  If he only stayed, but he didn't know...  got
> love him.

     [Dan G.]
> Sure, gotta love him. Just thought such a real world
> situation might be a 
> good way to examine your MOQ first principle...
> guess not.

     Guess not?  Cause he died?  You will die, I will
die.  We are all wrong, you say.
     "From the static point of view the whole escape
into Dynamic Quality seems like a death experience.
It's a movement from something to nothing. How can
'nothing' be any different from death? Since a Dynamic
understanding doesn't make the static distinctions
necessary to answer that question, the question goes
unanswered. All the Buddha could say was, 'See for
When early Western investigators first read the
Buddhist texts they too interpreted nirvana as some
kind of suicide. There's a famous poem that goes:

While living,
Be a dead man.
Be completely dead,
And then do as you please.
And all will be well.

It sounds like something from a Hollywood horror-film
but it's about nirvana. The Metaphysics of Quality
translates it:

While sustaining biological and social patterns
Kill all intellectual patterns.
Kill them completely
And then follow Dynamic Quality
And morality will be served."

     (Lila; Ch. 32)

     Death is undefined.  Death is dynamic quality. 
In this sense, life is realization of death.  We find
this out and return home.  Are you saying life and
death are not practical?  I'm not sure where you are
coming from on this, please clarify.


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