[MD] Chaos

PhaedrusWolff at carolina.rr.com PhaedrusWolff at carolina.rr.com
Tue Dec 12 16:16:00 PST 2006

> I understand that the solution suggested by the philosopher of
> science Nick Maxwell is that we need to understand what
> we value, what we consequently want to attain that is of value,
> and develop theories that recognise what we value and what
> we ends we are seeking.
> Try this:
> http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00002386/

Thanks David,

He goes both into the chaos Phaedrus spoke of in science and the 
philosophology  of Pirsig as well. 

It would be difficult to say how this is going now with quantum 
physics, but it seems they are recognizing the short-comings of what 
he calls SE (standard empiricism), but even that statement needs be 
considered as a question. I don’t know that what I have read is the 
latest view, or even the accepted view in quantum physics. 

Thanks for the paper. 


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